Friday, December 22, 2006

E-Mail Marketing: A useful profit making strategy

Although webmasters rely a lot on their websites' design and construction for improving their business prospects, yet there is still need for keeping the online traffic-flow steady and the people to keep coming back to your site. E-mail marketing seems to be one effective way of retaining old customers and build new ones in a cost effective and easy to track and measure way.

Opt-in List of customers

The first and foremost thing to do while launching an aggresive E-Mail marketing campaign is to create an opt-in list of all your customers and clients. This list will consist of all those people who have consented to be contacted by you via e-mail after visiting your site. You begin by putting a sign-in option on the home page leading to a detailed form related to customers' demographic and other information when he/she clicks this button. This list will aid you in putting the information related to the clients in your database for contacting these people.

Hit your target Audience with the right words

If you fail to deliver the right message to the audience through your email, you have lost the battle before you began fighting.You can use newsletters that provide relevant information regarding your products, services, any new or latest developments in your company to the audience. This will help build a rapport between you and the clients and also establish you as an expert in your field. You can also send other promotional material like coupons, invitation to events, client reward information, as this also helps develop a bond with your clients. Conveying the right message not only leads to sharing of information with clients, but also helps you gather feedback from them that is very important for you.

Keep updating your e-mail marketing program

The story doesn't end with the sending of the e-mails. You have to keep track of all your emails so that you can constantly compare and improve on the basis of your observation. The "subject" line and "from" line should make the receivers read your message instantly.Always mention your company's name and physical address in the body of the message so that the clients know of your existence and reliability. It also helps to have an "unsubscribe" option in the email giving the clients a feeling of freedom to put an end all correspondence, if they wish to.

Employing a e-mail marketing service

It wouldn't hurt your financial position much if you use a professional e-mail marketing service that reduces your time investment in template designing for newsletters, and other promotional material. These service providers will help you measure the level of success or failure achieved in your marketing campaign by providing you all the campaign metrics. Better so, you will be able to identify the clickers to your emails and site links, thus aiding you to improve upon the email strategies for maximum ROI, and better business prospects.


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