Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yahoo's Next Major Take on Blog Sites

Testing of Ads on Blog Sites by Yahoo

The latest news doing the rounds of Internet Marketing is that Yahoo is testing a system that will allow it to place ads on websites of bloggers and other small to medium sized publishers in competiton with Google . Around 2,000 sites will be invited by Yahoo to take part in the test and the system will be officially launched for the blogs and other publishers by the end of the year.

Though Yahoo and Google have been entertaining advertisers to bid and associate their small text ads with particular keywords on Internet searches. But it was only in 2003 that Google associated with the publishers and bloggers with a system that selects related ads by analyzing the content on a given page.

Yahoo's system is much smaller than Google's and would be working with just a few hundred sites as compared to Google's hundreds of thousands of sites. With this service of Yahoo, a website will be able to specify what categories of advertising it wishes to see or not see on a page. Additionally a contact number will also be provided so that even small publishers can call for help. This is something that Google does not provide to everyone. Yahoo seems to be taking advantage of two complaints that people make about Google: one that Google is a black box and second that you cannot get anyone on the phone to help you.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Advanced Search Features For Faster Results

You may not always be sure of what you are looking for on the web. But there is nothing to worry as you can take the help of advanced search features of the search engines to find whatever you are specifically looking for.

The "+" search sign used in front of a search word helps if the word is commonly left out of the search query. The + sign basically includes that word in the search that you had initially not included in the search.

The "-" sign narrows down your search results by excluding the sites or domains that you don't want in your search results.

The "~" sign shows synonyms and the search engine bolds all the words related to the word entered in the search query along with the "~" sign throughout the results.

The use of "" double quotes with a search phrase will search for this exact word or phrase in the websites. But if the double quotes are not used, the number of sites dispalyed will double or triple as compared to the narrowed number of search results when a word or phrase is used with double quotes.

The "OR" search helps find pages that include either of two search terms, for e.g., if you want to find out about web maintenance services OR web designing services , putting an "OR" in uppercase between the two terms will help you search for either of these two terms.

The "Define" feature helps you find out the definition of any word when used in front of the word concerned.

The "domain restrict" feature helps you search a particular website further when you know which site will have the information you are looking for. For example you know already that for information on designing ecommerce sites services , you will find the relevant content in When you write web designing, this will search for the words web designing services in the above mentioned site.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Avoid These Search Engine Spam Techniques

When you try to show two totally different versions of your website to the search engines and the visitors respectively, you are spamming. Ethically speaking, your audience should see exactly the same content and pages as being delivered to the search engines.Listed below are some spam techniques that you should avoid at any cost, because deception of any sort will get noticed by the search engines sooner or later. And when you are caught, the consequences can be pretty bad.

Hidden Text or Partially Visible Text- Your text should be clearly visible to the visitors as well as the search engines and the font should not be very small.

Stuffing of Meta Tags and Alt Tags- Repeating content or words in the title tag is a big no no.This is called unneccessary stuffing just to attract the attention of search engines. But this is taken as a serius offence by search engines that can really prove harmful for you and your site.

Bait and Switch trick- This is when you replace the original page that was used to achieve rankings and replace it with another.

Misleading Text-The title and meta tags text should accurately relate to the page itself and should not have any unrelated or misleading keywords.

Hindering back button use-Do not create a page that doesn't allow the user from using the browser's back button to return to the search engine results.

Doorway Pages-Always shun doorway pages like plague. They have different names, but are generally the same thing.

Layering-Do not use layers to hide the content from the viewers.

Multiple Domains-Do not have multiple domains with same content and focus your resources, money and efforts on one url.Also stay away from Link Farms & Free For All type sites.

Hidden links- Just like hidden text or content, hidden links (the 1x1 transparent pixels for hiding links to doorway pages) are no longer popular or liked by search engines.

Cloaking- Cloaking is used to serve different content for the search engine spiders by serving different content based on IP addresses.

Remember that by employing spam techniques, you increase the risk of getting your website caught by the search engines. And that would mean cleaning up the whole site again and appealing to the search engines for reinclusion.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Easy, Effective and Free Ways of Promoting Your Business Online

There are some really amazing and totally cost free ways of advertising your online business without spending a large amount on marketing.

Free Publicity-You can also give some products of yours for free to generate publicity. Interviews can be given for free publicity or even free publicity for speaking. Free memberships can be provided, contests can be set up, articles can be submitted, in exchange for free publicity.

E-books-Create an informative and relevant to your business ebook and offer it to people for free and also get your site listed in someone else's ebook. You can also brand a series of Ebooks to give away. Or better still write a book in collaboration with someone else.

Exchange programs-You can exchange reciprocal links or exchange a free seminar with discounted products for registrants. There is no harm trading reprint rights with information products. You can trade and exchange articles, content for content, a product for an ezine ad, an ad space for an ezine ad, exchange autoresponder ads, trade signature files, trade banner ads, trade a product for another product, etc.

Offers-You can also offer free consultations in the promotions, or offer your articles in an Ebook for distribution, or offer email links to distribute your articles, or offer webpages as an Ebook. Offering a discount to subscribers for an Ezine ad also helps. Equally beneficial is offering free or low cost resell rights for information products.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hot Blog Exchange and Promotion Sites:Amazing Places for Viral Advertising

Blogging is hot and happening. And now it is being used more and more for marketing and promoting one's business, products and services. Promoting your blog for free can bring lot's of traffic to your blog(s). And once a devoted string of visitors is established, you can generate revenue from your Google Adsense ads and other ads displayed on your site that are of interest to the visitors. So by using free services like:
Blog Advertising
Blog Exchange
Blog Pop Unders
Blog Polls
you can unleash the power of viral advertising and make your revenue as well as traffic soar to new heights.

Some of the really cool and profitable blog sites are as follows: is a free service that helps blogs trade advertising with each other. It offers a 2:1 ratio for impression to your blog. Every time you place a banner above the fold in your blog, and the banner receives an impression on your blog, your text ad will be shown in two other blogs from the network. is a free blog traffic exchange community where for every 2 member blogs you view, you get one visitor to your blog. is a free blog traffic exchange program which helps you earn credits for visiting other blogs during 20 seconds. So for every two blogs you visit, you get one out of the members of BlogCrowd to get to your blog. is not only a free blog traffic exchange community having a facility to add unlimited blogs, banners, giving full statistics, monthly bonus credits, etc, but also allows blog script providers, blog hostings, blog templates, and blog products and services. is an automatic link swapping service when you join and place code into your pages. Once you link to any BlogLinker member, they automatically link back to you. is a free pop-under traffic exchange system for bloggers where for every two pop-unders you show on your blog, you get one pop-under showing your blog on any other blog of their system. is for buying advertising targeting blog readers to get traffic for your blog. is blog link exchange that looks forward to getting blog links from other bloggers in order to grow their link exchange community. All you have to do is link to them and provide your own blog link with details of the place where you have placed their reciprocal link on your blog. But your blog has to provide good quality information to visitors and not just advertising. is free text link exchange program to cross promote your blog with other bloggers in the Link2Blogs network. is a free advertising network for microads or small text ads without the use of JavaScript. All you have to do is add a text ad to your site that will appear in other people's web sites that are part of the network.