Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hot Blog Exchange and Promotion Sites:Amazing Places for Viral Advertising

Blogging is hot and happening. And now it is being used more and more for marketing and promoting one's business, products and services. Promoting your blog for free can bring lot's of traffic to your blog(s). And once a devoted string of visitors is established, you can generate revenue from your Google Adsense ads and other ads displayed on your site that are of interest to the visitors. So by using free services like:
Blog Advertising
Blog Exchange
Blog Pop Unders
Blog Polls
you can unleash the power of viral advertising and make your revenue as well as traffic soar to new heights.

Some of the really cool and profitable blog sites are as follows: is a free service that helps blogs trade advertising with each other. It offers a 2:1 ratio for impression to your blog. Every time you place a banner above the fold in your blog, and the banner receives an impression on your blog, your text ad will be shown in two other blogs from the network. is a free blog traffic exchange community where for every 2 member blogs you view, you get one visitor to your blog. is a free blog traffic exchange program which helps you earn credits for visiting other blogs during 20 seconds. So for every two blogs you visit, you get one out of the members of BlogCrowd to get to your blog. is not only a free blog traffic exchange community having a facility to add unlimited blogs, banners, giving full statistics, monthly bonus credits, etc, but also allows blog script providers, blog hostings, blog templates, and blog products and services. is an automatic link swapping service when you join and place code into your pages. Once you link to any BlogLinker member, they automatically link back to you. is a free pop-under traffic exchange system for bloggers where for every two pop-unders you show on your blog, you get one pop-under showing your blog on any other blog of their system. is for buying advertising targeting blog readers to get traffic for your blog. is blog link exchange that looks forward to getting blog links from other bloggers in order to grow their link exchange community. All you have to do is link to them and provide your own blog link with details of the place where you have placed their reciprocal link on your blog. But your blog has to provide good quality information to visitors and not just advertising. is free text link exchange program to cross promote your blog with other bloggers in the Link2Blogs network. is a free advertising network for microads or small text ads without the use of JavaScript. All you have to do is add a text ad to your site that will appear in other people's web sites that are part of the network.


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