Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Cheaper Alternative to PPC Advertising: Independent Search Engine & Directory Network (ISEDN)

Now it will not be difficult for the smaller search engines and directories to make use of the PPC (pay per click) campaign that was earlier monopolized by the biggies like Google, MSN, and Yahoo alone in web marketing. They will now get together and deliver paid ad placements on a mass community scale for a minimal amount to the advertisers or website owners.

This is really good news for the advertisers as they would want to advertise through ISEDN because of the unlimited exposure they will get from all these dirctories and search engines joined together. Founded in June 2006, the ISEDN network comprises of 47 members with new members getting added at the rate of 3-5 per week.

One major advantage of ISEDN over Google or Yahoo is its low cost as it offers targeted keywords for as less as $5 a month, giving 10 exposures for your site listings across 45+ search engines and directories. Also the chances of click fraud in ISEDN are as good as nil as you pay a one time fee for your selected keyword(s). So even if your competitors or others click repeatedly on your ad, you don't pay anything extra.

How does ISEDN work?

An XML feed is provided to each member to implement within their search results or directory listings. The members can modify this feed so that the pay-for-inclusion listings are displayed matching their site's look and feel. But regardless of how the listings are displayed, the advertisers are guaranteed top 10 exposures across the entire ISEDN network. This is so because the number of times any keyword term can be bought is limited and all paid listings are rotated in the search engine result pages (SERPs) on each individual engine and directory.

Every advertising venture is looking forward to a good Return on Investment (ROI) and advertising in smaller ventures online brings better results as the competition is less, more targeted audience is there, more local opportunites are there, and you get more exposure for your money. And ISEDN has made it easier to advertise in loads of smaller directories and other programs through their own network.

ISEDN is a kind of counter to the gradual monopolization of search on the Web by engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN. It might in the future also contribute in other areas related to search such as search relevance and possibly the support of open source search software.



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