Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Write Your Website Content for the Visitor, Not for the Search Engine

Many webmasters still remain under the impression that the more content (keywords and phrases) they write specifically for the search engines, better will be their chances of getting higher rankings. How wrong and clouded they are in their estimation and analysis. You can't just write something for impressing the search engines alone and disregard the one most important factor in online business success-relevant content for the visitors. Get your facts clear. Writing unique, good, fresh, new, exciting, and relevant content for the web site visitors is what matters and counts. Wasting unneccessary time, energy, thinking of keywords or phrases just to attract the attention of the search engines alone won't help at all. Take it the other way round. If you have really worked hard in writing good content for your web site keeeping in mind your targeted visitors, there is no reason why people will not come and visit your site. Instead of concentrating on feeding wrong, exaggerated, or twisted information to the search engines in order to get spidered, it is much beneficial to write for your audience. You will find this is going to generate maximum web traffic automatically without your having to write seperately or specifically for the search engines. Understand what your target audience wants or is searching for in your products and services. Give them that in simple,clear, and understandable language and VOILA! You will find your site jammed with people, all clamoring for more information about your company, products, and services. When you write quality content for your audience, you are using the smartest and safest online business method. Because after all, in the end, if people don't get or like what they are reading, no matter what, they will not do business with you.



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