Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yahoo's Next Major Take on Blog Sites

Testing of Ads on Blog Sites by Yahoo

The latest news doing the rounds of Internet Marketing is that Yahoo is testing a system that will allow it to place ads on websites of bloggers and other small to medium sized publishers in competiton with Google . Around 2,000 sites will be invited by Yahoo to take part in the test and the system will be officially launched for the blogs and other publishers by the end of the year.

Though Yahoo and Google have been entertaining advertisers to bid and associate their small text ads with particular keywords on Internet searches. But it was only in 2003 that Google associated with the publishers and bloggers with a system that selects related ads by analyzing the content on a given page.

Yahoo's system is much smaller than Google's and would be working with just a few hundred sites as compared to Google's hundreds of thousands of sites. With this service of Yahoo, a website will be able to specify what categories of advertising it wishes to see or not see on a page. Additionally a contact number will also be provided so that even small publishers can call for help. This is something that Google does not provide to everyone. Yahoo seems to be taking advantage of two complaints that people make about Google: one that Google is a black box and second that you cannot get anyone on the phone to help you.


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