Monday, March 21, 2005

Promoting your web site through essential web marketing tools

Web marketing entails more than just creating a web site. How to use that web site for promoting your business online is an essential component of Web Marketing. Given below are some essential tools that must be used to market yourself online in a most effective and productive manner.

Tools for top placement in search results are:

1. Google Adwords that puts your text ad next to the top search results on google in a fast, affordable, easy and controlled manner.

2. Overture Precision Match tool that helps get your business listed in top search sites. You can write your own listings or take help of Overture. You set your own price and advertise to targeted visitors.

Tools for optimizing and submitting the website in major search engines are:

1. Overture Site Match tool that helps you reach over 75% of active web users by getting listed in the index that powers search engines like Yahoo, Altavista, Allthe web, etc.

2. Web Position Gold tool that helps bring the site at the top of search results by building HTML pages, providing advice and suggestions for content to optimize your pages in major search engines.

3. Visibility Online Program that not only sends direct submissions to major sarch engines, but also gets you better listings in internet yellow page directories and provides banner advertising facility.

Tools to track and communicate with your visitors are:

1. Superstats helps you track your visitors' behavior, right from who are they, where they came from, to what are they doing in your site.

2.Counter is another essential tool that tells you how many customers visit your site every day. this information is quite preciouswhen you are evaluating and updating the content of your site.

3. Constant Contact, as the name suggests, is a tool that gathers information about the visitors to your website and sends emails to those who want to know more about you.

See your web site's ranking increase, attract more leads and track your results more efficiently by using these magical web marketing tools.


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