Saturday, April 15, 2006

Writing Effective Headlines and Titles For Websites

When you read a newspaper, you engage yourself in reading a publication that your eyes are used to and that you have been reading for quite sometime now and would not like to change for any reason whatsoever. This is not the case in web writing or reading. The web users have millions of other options in front of them on the net and they are not usually loyal to one particular website,webpage, or article. So what you write in the title of your web article or page makes a lot of difference to your online presence and earning money online.

When people read online, they want information instantly and within seconds. What they read first is your headline. And if the headline does not excite or tickle them much, they might not go further. Not only this, on the web, the users can click on links and go to other web pages on the basis of the suggestions made by trustworhty and reliable sources. In order to attract the trusted newsmakers, bloggers, and reviewers to your content, you need to have content that is easily accessible, augments your online presence, and generates more targeted traffic.

Doing this is not a very difficult task, but requires some serious thinking and analysis while creating the title or headline. Remember the following things while writing you title:

Do not have a very long title. A title should look like a title and not a line of writing. 3-6 words would be best, but if you can't help it, then don't exceed beyond 10 words at the maximum. The reason being that search engines consider the first set of words to be the most important.

Take the net as a virtual library and hence give a very clear and jargonese free title. There is no need to play with words because, on the net, people want relevant and clear content unlike a newpaper where you can experiment and take liberties with certain words.

Your title should in a way summarize your content in the body part. Think and act like a reader of your article. Question yourself whether you will be able to imagine the content of your article by just looking at the title or headline. If the answer is yes, then you have got the right title.

Do you think the search words that the user will put in the search engines correspond with your title. If no, you need to rework on the title again and make it representative of the search terms that a reader might put in the search engines to look for your title.

In case you need to add product or brand and services names, you should put them in the end of your title because the users generally like to go to the original manufacturer website, if they want information on a particular product, brand or service.

Always test and verify the quality of your title or headline before actually using it by typing the title in the major search engines and finding out the results. Also check the quantity and relevance of the article that appears on searching for your potential title. Another way is to check if the Google AdSense Ads appear for that particular title. If yes, then you have created a good title; otherwise, you need to work a little more on it.

Last but not the least, don't expect to get the perfect article in one go. Take time, practice and experiment with different titles to reach that last stage of refinement and relevance. It is only with time and practice that you will be able to master the skill of title writing.


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