Saturday, December 30, 2006

Don't Confuse The Landing Page With The Order Form Page

A landing page, as we all know, is one high selling point in your online business . It is the page that makes people take action to buy your products or services . Though many a times the landing page has the order form incorporated inside it, it is not the case always. The thing to remember and take care of here is that the landing page and order form page are two different entites, even though they work in cooperation with each other.

The order page is a separate page in the website linking to other parts of your site. And generally people reach this page after navigating through other pages on your site. So they are aware of the products/services being offered by you and the benefits as well as description of those products or services. In such a scenario, the order page does not need to go into much selling details before making the visitors fill the form.

But the other half of the story has another twist. There may be visitors who land on your site after reading some literature about your company, products or services through your marketing material or email or even offline marketing campaign. These are the people who might not digest going directly to an order form page without some sell and benefits information given on the landing page. They will not be prepared or ready to buy so soon and will need some more information about your company to feel secure enough to make a purchase.

So here in lies the difference between a landing page and order form page. You should decide whether the landing page should have order form page within it or separately depending upon the marketing communications the visitors came from and the complexity of your product/service.

Also keep in mind the consistency between the content of your landing page and the marketing document after reading which the visitors come to your site. If there is a lot of disparity between the two, you not only lose your credibility, but also lose a prospective client. The visitors must be able to relate and connect with both the contents and should not feel totally confused by the gulf of difference between what you said in the landing page and now are saying in the order form page.

The question whether you should have the order form page on the landing page itself depends upon the kind of prospects you are dealing with. There will be cases where it will be more beneficial to have it on the landing page itself and there may be other cases where having a separate order form page would be more advantageous.

SO your landing page should be designed depending upon the marketing communication after reading which the prospects have come to your site.


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