Monday, December 25, 2006

A Web Copy is Different From a Web Page

Are you also one of those people who think that web copy is the same as web page? Well, if you do think so, you are little far away from the truth. A web copy is used to sell anything on the web page and a web page is actually the content written on the pages of the website.So in a way, a web copy is something similar to the traditional sales copy, but with a lot of difference in its presentation and structure.

The difference arises as a result of the different mediums of selling something. In direct mail copywriting, one could indulge in exaggeration, hyperbole,and great pomp and show kind of thing. But when the medium is Internet, the web or sales copy has to be more engaging, friendly, relaxed, and down to earth.

The web demands that you offer your products and services in a subtle and soft manner. Instead of indulging in self-praise for your products and services, provide more information to the visitors. This is because people are more tension free and relaxed on the web and expect a friendly and personal touch to everything you offer. You cannot just give a 'buy my product' kind of a message to the users on net. You have to sound like a friend, well wisher, and talk to them on an individual level. Writing in an editorial style helps the best. And if you have a testimonial section, all the better.

Realize the fact that people on the net are looking for INFORMATION. And if they don't get it the right way, they will leave your website as soon as they entered it. Neither are they in the mood to read any advertisement kind of messages. So you need to be smart enough to advertise in an informational manner. The goal of your web copy should be to inspire and egg the visitors to take instant action.

Write like you are providing a review of the product or service concerned to the people. Don't try to sell your idea, product or service. Your aim should be to give the visitors all the information that you deem important from marketing or selling point of view in such a way that you kill two birds with stone- provide useful information and activate people to take action (buy, in this case).


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