Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Get Your Facts Clear about Web Marketing:Truth versus Myths

Misconception 1-There is nothing like instant recognition on the web

The truth is that you attract attention or popularity on the web only if people are looking for the kind of information you are providing them. There is no doubt about the fact that internet is the fastest, best, and cheapest mode of advertising your product or services to millions of people in seconds. A consumer or customer is always looking for a specific product or service and if you specialize in that field, you will surely attract his or her attention. It is important that people see your web address somewhere else, maybe on some other web site or print and media ads, in order to feel excited enough to contact you.

Misconception 2-There is a sea of market out there on the web

Again don't be tricked into the number game on web. If there are millions of people on the web who can be reached, the people who would be interested in your wares or who can be easily contacted may be in 100's or 50's only. Everything depends on your marketing skills and strategies. What makes you stand out in the unfathomable sea of people and your competitors, is going to decide your fate in the world of web marketing. Basically there is no difference between traditional marketing and web marketing, except that now, you can reach people through a new medium called the web.

Misconception 3-You can send information very fast through the web

The information is not transfered fast to the people, it is the changes that can be made very fast in the information through the web. Web information travels at the same speed as a fax machine and not any faster than that. So, the bottom line is to send only selective information and not every tiny detail through the Web. The reason being that the customer would not be interested in browsing through the whole site, if you have 100s of products or services to talk about. The trick lies in designing the web site in such a way that the client gets to see what he or she wants to, in two or three pages of your site. Every thing depends upon the organisation and presentation of the content, and not presenting hundreds of pages of cluttered information on the web site.

Misconception 4-Graphics are most important in Web Marketing

Well, take off your sunglasses and see the world with bare eyes. Graphics are not the greatest thing on web.They play an important role in web sites in only that they supplement content and nothing else. People who are visiting your site want information that they are looking for. And if your site has 80% graphics that are really cool, but the visitors don't get the information they are eagerly waiting for to find on your site, and you are not able to get many customers, do not blame any one for this. Blame yourself for not providing the visitors information that they are desirous of and wasting their time on viewing only graphics that mean nothing to them. Graphics do play an important role in the success of an ad to the extent of expalining the concept, product or service in a better way. They cannot be used alone for promoting your business. They have to be used in conjunction with content and very judiciously.

Misconception 5-Medium is more important than message

What use is the medium if the message is not good enough? There is no denying the fact that as a medium, web is a strong contender for the top position with other mediums of communication like radio, T.V, books or magazines. But the fact remains that medium may be any, the message that you want to convey has to be strong enough to capture your target market. The message must be designed in a simple, understandable manner and still be able to leave an impact on the audience. Only then can you think of increasing the targeted traffic to your site.

Misconception 6-Using the latest technology on web increases the number of visitors to your site

Nothing can be more wrong than thinking that if you use the latest technology in designing your web site and disseminating information, you can reach more people. The fact remains that not everyone has an updated, latest computer or technology with them. You cannot afford to lose people just because they don't have the latest technology to see your web site. So, think like the audience, keep their interests in mind before you spend time, money and energy in creating a web site that boasts of using the latest features, but has a sagging viewership. Keep in mind your target audience before everything else.


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