Thursday, March 30, 2006

Designing effective Banners

Designing a web banner ad is an obscure task that usually doesn’t catch the visitors’ eye. Only few people give some sort of divided attention and that too when they happen to see 2-3 words that matches their interests. Only few banners will step forward and receive viewer attention. Design banner ad doesn’t simply mean designing and presenting an eye-pleasing layout. It involves a vast spectrum of creative concepts, designing techniques, quality content, and technical issues. An effective banner successfully demarcates the underlying difference between an unsuccessful and successful banner ad campaign.

To find the most effective banner design for your business you need to put some questions:
What does the banner need to achieve?
What are the main messages?
What types of users will observe the banner?
Who should be targeted?
What important elements ought to be included in the ad?

After answering these questions, find out the sites that will feature your banner ads. Also try to co-ordinate the color scheme of your banner site with the website that would be hosting it. Consider their color interpretation and how they are harmonized with text and graphics. Do not forget to see the pixel dimensions of your host site, its file size limitations and their file format. After carrying out the successful banner ad campaign, it is advisable to measure the CTRs and resulting sales over a period of time. The following banner design tips can increase CTRs (click through ratios) and resulting sales.

(1) File Size limitations
File size limitations are an important consideration while designing the banner ad. Make sure your file stays below 10K, 15K at the absolute most and you can have the best looking banner

(2) Strong punch line
Spend surplus time to create a catchy phrase that will immediately arouse the visitors’ curiosity to know more about you. The punch line should be short and snappy with a correct usage of verbs, colors and fonts.

(3) Use clichés - call to action words
Using clichés is one of the easiest ways to increase the CTR. Though today “Click here” is a trite phrase, but its power can’t be underestimated in the banner ads. Its very presence when displayed long enough for 2-3 seconds increases the click-thru rate of the banner ads by almost 20%. Other clichés that encourages the visitors are “Sale”, "Offer ends soon!", "Hurry!", "Special limited offer!"

(4) Animation
Use animation wisely. Don’t go overboard and fill a banner with lots of animation. At the first place it increases the file size and secondly frustrates the visitors. With the introduction of flash, a complete new area in web banner ad design has been opened. The animation should be subtle enough to attract attention with a quick-to-download time.

(5) Inviting Ad Copy
Generally fancy animations and pictures do not tempt the visitors. It is the magic created by words that sell. A successful banner has excellent copy. A thumbnail rule is to keep the ad copy short and snappy. Try to put emphasis on the benefits, not features of your product or service. Do not present fake information. If possibly try finishing your ad copy with a punch line phrase.

(6) Do not provide pornographic information if you really want your ad campaign to work out for your site. Let it be the domain of XXX sites only.

(7) Include BOTH the logo and the web site address in the banner.

(8) A typical web surfer spends less than 10 seconds looking at the top of a web page. Thus, try to display all its content in this time.

(9) Update or change your banners as often as it is the demand of your site.


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