Tuesday, March 28, 2006

PDF Optimization: A Potential Threat to SEO?

Portable Document Format, commonly known as PDF in IT circles, is the defacto file format for presenting device-independent documents on and off the Web. The good news is that as a site owner you need not have sleepless nights over having your site optimized for search engines using the cumbersome and sometimes complicated SEO practices. Now you can have your entire site incorporated in the content of a PDF. Not only text, but also compressed video, dynamic content, and eye appealing visual stuff can be put into the web's only cross-compatible portable platform-PDF.

No more worries and delimmas related to either having or not having Flash in the website due to the fear of search engines not indexing your website. PDF has come up as your saviour as it can easily incorporate Flash player in its reading software. All the Media Player and Quick versions of videoclips will be in Flash. To top it all, you can also deliver the content anywhere to any device that has the facility to read PDF.
This will definitely be good news for the user. But for a professional SEO, it means putting a full stop to a paying business or job. No need of a database for storing information, now that you have all information in portable form.

If smart enough, the SEO's may be able to utilize this new revolution to suit their purpose, and get used to its huge benefits.



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