Friday, March 24, 2006

Hitting your competitor on Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes for driving traffic to their site. Google AdWords program can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. You place Google AdWords ads on your site and for every ad clicked, you receive money (a share of what Google receives from the advertiser). Though it is an easiest way to build a positioning for your website, but it requires some strategies; strategies to beat your rivals in the chase of Google Adwords. If you are among those who spend large amount of money bidding on super-influential keywords, sooner or later those ads stand the risk of getting disabled for their unsatisfactory performance. This is the time when your competitors get the top spot. But that doesn’t mean an end of road; you can surpass your competitors by being more strategic in your approach.
  • Don’t fall short of bidding as many significant keywords as possible. It is probable that your competitors would have same interests, and you end up paying a heavy price per visitor. You can get an edge if can think of incorporating interesting new combinations of keywords that none of your rivals could even think of. This way you can get high up the results and that too at a very nominal price. Undoubtedly, your unique less common keywords will get searched for less often, but the outcome will be profitable since you will have to pay less for potentially wealthy visitors.
  • If possible categorize your keyword/phrases into groups of similar words and campaign for each group separately. This will enhance your CTR rate considerably. If a visitor types the exact word, it makes you stand apart in the listing increasing your chances to be clicked on.
  • Remember more the CTR, the higher you ad will appear. It is applicable even if your competitors have bidden more money and your ad gets a higher CTR, Google will give you preference and will show you higher. But it has a loophole, if your ad does not get at least 0.5% CTR, google will render your site inoperative.
  • Google gives preference to those ads that are closely snowed under to what people have searched for. So it is advisable that for every keyword or phrase you bid on, you should also bid on “segnant” and [segnant]. The concept behind putting the keyword or phrase into “inverted commas” is to let you ad appear any time someone searches for that word/phrase as part of a search with other terms included. Square brackets allow your ad to when someone searches for that phrase and NOTHING else.
  • If possible manage at least two different ads with different copy for each campaign. By default google will display both adverts alternatively. This way you can easily identify which ad is more close to the mindset of the people. Tracking the CTR’s of both the ads will help you to create a super-effective ad with improved words and incorporating what appealed most to your visitors.
  • Before choosing the keywords always indicate the negative keywords to the search engine that can impose heavy debt on you by attracting leisure visitors to your site. For example no body can escape the fancy of word “free” and if your product requires payment, include -free as a negative keyword. This way you will be saved from paying for the web-traffic who have no intention of spending any penny.


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