Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Importance of Clean Coding

The site coding allows search engines to index and analyze a website correctly. When the search engine arrives to crawl the website, at first it finds the root (main) folder of the site for a file called robots.txt. In the robots.txt file it confirms what directories and files it is permitted to index. Although, there are some search engine spiders overlook these instructions. Once the spider gets the permission it checks the tags between the and tags of the web page for:
  • The title of the page
  • The keyword and description meta tags
  • The robots meta tag
  • Web Page Content between the body tags

The web page content is of utmost importance. Here the search engine spider (robot, web crawler) looks for the embedded keywords and phrases that are uniformly spread in the page's keywords and description Meta tags. The search engine spider reads the content from the top down and follows links inserted in the web page content.
The clean coding allows a search engine spider to weed through your content successfully. Like a web browser, the search engine is also fastidious and easily stumbles if it encounters problems with the HTML coding. It highly considers low of the websites with broken tags, improper coding and excessive java script redirects. In that case the spider prefers to abandon the site.
It has become very common that web programmers and designer in an allurement of achieving highly dynamic pages incorporate Flash, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, of Coldfusion's, .Net etc. Undoubtedly these tools make the visual appearance exuberant, but this exuberance is never so lucky to yield good results since they hinder the optimization value of a page. Also there complexity is not decipherable by the search engines. Search engine's spiders and robots are simple and read only actual HTML markup code, and the ASCII text that appears on the page itself. Still, if you plan to employ Flash or Java applet in navigation menu, make sure to replicate it somewhere and integrate HTML links as well.
Search engines highly disapproves of the coding done with

  • Too little Text
  • keyword density ratio
  • Heavy JavaScript
  • Large File Sizes
  • Small Text Sizes
  • Frames

Different search engine puts a different amount of weight on above mentioned factors.



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