Wednesday, February 15, 2006

MetaTagging your website to higher rankings: A Myth or Reality

When we write an answer for a question in the exam, if we add a few examples to explain our answer or to make things clearer and more attractive for the examiner to get good grades, we do succeed in getting maybe a few grades more than others. But it doesn't mean that the actual answer can be rubbish, crap or not to the point. The examiner would still be more interested in the answer itself than examples that will be considered as additional information by the examiner. Similarly, Meta Tag, a hidden tag in the head of the html code, provides additional information about the html document. Just like examples to illustrate our answer in a question paper, meta tags too act as tools to help improve your standings in search engines that use them. But they must be used along with other marketing strategies to increase page rank. Using them alone and expecting higher rankings is like living in a fool's paradise. The major search engines, even today atleast, consider the title and body text as more important and relevant than meta tags. So instead of concentrating on the meta tags alone, it is highly recommended to consider spending more quality time in writing a good and relevant title as well as body content for the pages of your site. Meta tags may be used, but as a supplement and not the main marketing strategy. And if you are using meta tags in order to improve rankings in the search engines, it is important to concentrate on the description and keyword tags. As the name suggests, the description tag describes your website pages in the form of a keyphrase rich content. The keyword tag categorizes your website, so that the users can find your pages much more quickly and easily.


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