Thursday, December 01, 2005

Web Writing is Different from Writing in Print

It is very much true that web writing is completely different from writing in print. Both are differnet mediums of expression and require understading them fully in order to write for them. If you are looking at writing for the web as a job option, you need to drill in your mind that web writing is not like writing for print. Be open to learn totally different rules from print writing in web writing.

The most important thing to learn is that search engines are looking for substantial amount of good and relevant content in the sites. In web writing, the saying, "more the merrier" applies which is not the case in print writing. For good rankings on search engines, you need to write a lot of content in your web pages.

The most important thing to remember in web writing is that your audience in this writing is the search engines. It is them who will first scan and crawl your web pages before the actual flesh and blood audience gets to read it. So all your concentration while writing for the web should be on the search engines.
What is it that these search engines like and hate, you need to find out. One thing for sure that they like and dislike is keyword rich, fresh, updated,and refreshed web pages and over optimization of web pages respectively. So keep these two factors in mind while writing for the web.

Also keep in mind the correct way of writing the title tags and meta tag description that can make all the difference to your online presence. Not only this but a proper linking strategy of your site can also help a lot in effective online copy of your content.

Keyword research is another important aspect of writing for online audience. Everything in web writing depends upon the choice of appropriate keywords that match the website's purpose and intention.

So when you write for the web, you are basicaly writing for those people who will be visiting your site as well as the search engines that will be indexing your site based on the relevance of your content.