Saturday, November 19, 2005

Web Design Principles To Convert Visitors Into Customers: Part IV

Creating Relevant and Powerful Text

As we discussed the benefits of a well organized and constructed site as well as navigation structure in the last blog , in today's blog, we shift our attention towards text and its importance in web designing. If you think that people read each and every word of your website, you are living in a fool's paradise. It is one of the biggest misconceptions. People just scan information on the net.They are basically looking for some specific information and if they don't get it within the first two three paragraphs, they leave your site. Even if they have come to the right website, if they cannot find specific information regarding your company, products,services, pricing, special offers, discounts, or how to contact you, they will no longer go through the whole site.

Your message and conveying that message clearly and well can transform a visitor into a customer. Don't forget to include search options in order to make it convenient for the visitors to find what they are looking for easily. Also your contact information should be very easy to find and locate for the visitors, and also ensure that somebody is available to answer visitor queries and questions regularly. Keeping a likely customer waiting for information is something that you should never do. If nothing else, this surely will put an end to your business.

You should also grab the opportunity of emphasizing certain important aspects of your site. Decide which text needs emphasis so that it instantly catches the attention of your visitors. Don't give them a chance to look or search for information. Give them all important information first. This will help visitors to reach the pages on your site that you want visitors to see and thus increase chances of sales.

Another very significant principle of good web designing is speed. More the minimum download time for your site, more the visitors on your site. Time is everything in business; therefore, faster download speed is always better.

This marks the end of our continuing web designing principles' series. Happy Reading!


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Online reading is not my thing. But after reading your blog I am really pleased. I don’t know about other blogs but this I will definitely keep coming back to.


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