Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Are You Creating Effective Landing Pages?

A landing page is where the visitors 'land' when they click on your site from the email or online ad. Basically a landing pagetells the visitors about your ad. So give them what they want. Suppose you are advertising about web designing services offered by your company. But clicking on your ad., the visitor is taken to your site's home page. Though your homepage does have a link to your services page, but why not directly take them to what they are looking for? This way, you have wasted the visitors' time and irritated them unnecessarily. Treat your landing page as the place which can make or break your business. You may keep harping about the excellent products and services that your company offers in your ads., but what counts in the long run is what visitors see once they click on your advertisement.

Be Crisp and to the point-Offer information related to what you advertised and don't divert from the point. People are looking for some fast action and information. Don't test their patience with unneccessary detail or information.

Don't confuse the visitors-Keep the look and feel of your site as consistent as possible. Don't boggle the visitors with too much contrasting images, colors, and content in the advertisement and the landing page. The landing page should look like a mirror image and extention of your ad.

Make the visitors take action-Provide a link or button that takes the visitors deep into your site for a closer and detailed look into how their problems can be solved by using you products and services. This is called 'a call to action'.

Providing a privacy policy link-This helps because this informs the visitors how and when you plan to ues their personal data. Getting too personal with the visitors, asking for a lot of personal details may not be a very sensible thing as not many people like to divulge their personal details. So a simple follow up of people who have clicked on your site will help you find out about those interested in your products and services.

Submit your landing pages to search engines-Search engine spiders have a weakness for content-rich, focused, to the point landing pages.

Designing the landing page-the landing page must be very powerful, attractive, and effective in its design in order to attract people's attention. After all it is the first page where people will go after looking at your ad.

Pampering your landing page as much as the home page and other pages of your site is very important for good results. A well designed landing page can make all the difference to your online visibility and rankings.



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