Saturday, October 01, 2005

Your Website's Front Page Conveys a Lot To your Audience

As they say, 'first impression is the last impression', your web site's front page also acts like an introduction of your products and services to the visitors concerned. Your site's front page can make or break your credibility, visibility, and usability. So pay extra attention while designing the front page.

No diversions please!

Remain focused and hit the target bang on. It is always better to concentrate on a narrow and niche market than pulling too many strings at one go. Understand your niche market, know your target audience, and then design the front page. People coming to a search engine are looking for a particular kind of information and don't have the time or patience to search or see the entire site. So focus is the key here.

Adhere to the KISS principle

Don't confuse the visitors with the information on your front page. Tell them exactly what you expect them to do after reaching your site's first page. The Keep It Simple and Straightforward principle will come in handy here. You can't afford to be vague in telling your audience what exactly they should do in your site, otherwise you'll lose them.

Clarity of thought always wins

Cluttering of thoughts leads to confusion, and contradictions. Your front page should be picture perfect with very clear, short, and to the point information. The headings and sub headings need to be very powerful and attention grabbing that highlight the major benefits of your site to the visitors. Give them a reason to browse your site.

Make simplicity the hallmark

There is no point putting overwhelming and out of this world graphics and glitz in your front page that dazzles the visitors to the extent of blinding them to the central point of your site. It is better to stick to simple, yet effective content that drills the main benefits in the minds of the visitors. You may be able to entertain with your amazing layouts, but that means more loading time, lesser scope of action for the visitors, and running out of patience on the part of the visitors.

Professionalism is the key to success

Just like your first appearance and conduct tells people about the level of professionalism you have, similarly your front page also leaves an impact on the visitors. Whether that impact is positive or negative depends upon the way you present information on the front page. The color scheme, fast loading graphics, consistent use of fonts, and relevant information, and the right message will lend a professional touch to your site.

Though the first page is not the only page that needs attention, but for making the audience take action and excite them about your products and services, this page needs special attention as it acts as that area of your house which gives a view of the rest of the house. If the view is not convincing enough, people may not feel like taking a tour of the house.


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