Sunday, September 04, 2005

What's Cooking in Google's Algorithms?

Wake up all you there who think that turning Google's algorithms to your advantage is an easy thing. Think again as Google is trying to counter and combat all the so-called smart webmasters' efforts to manipulate PageRank to suit their own purposes. Google considers PageRank to be one of the most important factors in determining the importance of a web site. Though linking to sites that the webmaster feels are important for his visitors is not wrong; it is only when linking is done purely guided by selfish motive of getting just high rankings and nothing else that Google has to take harsh steps to overcome this foul being played by some webmasters.

The following shake-ups might be cooking in Google's mind:

Considering inbound links within paragraphs more important as genuine and natural links than stand alone links that are a product of link exchange .

Keeping a tab on the the pages to which the links are pointing towards in a website. If all the inbound links are pointing to only one page, it could be taken as an indicator of link exchange and the content of the rest of the site being not very important to attract inbound links. Checking a sample of inbound links to a domain and the reciprocation of the links to the linking domain. The more the level of reciprocation, lesser the PageRank.

Valuing outbound links equally as the inbound links or may be more.

Considering the concentration of outbound links across the website. If out bound links are concentrated on a few pages, againit is taken to be an outcome of link exchange tahn the links that are spread equally throughout the site.

Though we are not sure of what exactly Google is doing or acting, but it is always better to think like a search engine in order to get the best results. It is important to remember that Google is constantly changing and updating its algorithms to keep the manipulative and erring webmasters on their toes.

Google has a reputation to maintain in the internet world and it will do everything possible to continue being regarded as the most popular, objective, and relevant search engine available today. So, it's time for the webmasters to come to terms with the changing times and Google's changing algorithms in order not to be affected or punished by their new rules.


At 4:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have i read it before ????
but never the less we both share some views!


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