Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Don't Confuse Blogs with RSS

The biggest myth doing the rounds in Internet Marketing world is that RSS as a communication medium is sustained by blogs. Dispel this myth as RSS is not in any ways bound with blogs and it is going to emerge as a corporate communication channel where the cunsumers will have an inherent capacity to select content that they wish to read. And this capacity or ability will act as the driving force for keeping the advertisements to the minimum and content to be more relevant.

No doubt blogs started as something really hot and cool and most happening thing on internet. But that excitement connected with them seems to be fizzling out as the reality of keeping them fresh and updated has dawned on bloggers on webmasters. Maintaining a blog and generating good revenue from it is not a easy task and slowly blogs may dimish in their glory as time passes by.

The reigning king will be RSS that will not only save visitors' time but also allow webmasters to re-package the existing or new content. As an online marketing tool, it is going to thrive as a result of its flexibility as a communication medium and ability of expanding enclosure tags. A business using RSS can bring new visitors, increase search engine rankings , and generate interest in your products and services . After all who wouldn't like to see selected content in one centralized location?

Any technology needs to impress the people or consumers in order to be a success. And looking at the popularity of RSS among businesses shows that this technology is here to stay. It has become a vehicle of creating and disseminating keyword-rich, relevant content to the clients and thus winning the clients' trust, making a reputation and maintaining good relations with clients.

The best thing about RSS is the controlling power in the hands of the consumers who can opt-in to content of their own choice and thus if the quality of content starts deteriorating, they have the ability to remove the feed from their RSS Reader so that they don't recieve any further information from that source. The time is not far when RSS also takes the same importance and becomes a standard as email addresses or websites are today. Businesses can inform customers about specials, discounts,product announcements, news, etc. and create brand loyalty, besides increasing their customer and corporate communication.
