Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mistakes To Avoid While Setting Up Online Business

Anyone who is desirous of starting up an online business needs to practice patience and not make the mistakes mentioned below. Instead of discussing the do's of an online business, we will discuss the dont's as they are equally important.

1. Never ever make the mistake of starting something without a plan. If you do start any new business venture sans a plan, it's doomed to fail because you just started without setting a goal for yourself and wouldn't know what to expect from your (mis)venture.

2. Planning to establish a business and not having a website is like putting an end to your business hopes and aspirations before starting only. Having a website will not only help you manage your business in a better way but also give a professional touch to your business.

3. Don't put your feet in too many things at one time. In other words, be focused and indulge in one program at a time, the most effective ones first and stick to them. As they say, "slow and steady wins the race", practice caution and deal with programs according to priority and importance.

4. Don't spend too much money in advertising because more advertising doesn't mean more sales or better profits. If this were to be true, many companies that are spending lots of money on their advertising would reach the top and reap benefits. It is better to concentrate on proper execution of your business plan than spending mindlessly on advertising.

5. If you don't want your business to close down and then making efforts to start it again, then never ever SPAM. It is always better to build your email list with only verified addresses, preferably double opt-in email addresses. Because these are actually the people or clients who want to buy or hear from you.

These are some of the mistakes that many business starters or beginners like you made while setting up their online businesses and it is better that you learn from these bitter experiences of others to avoid making any mistakes yourselves.


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