Monday, August 15, 2005

Blogging The Right Way

If you can answer the questions given below, you are right on the track as far as blog writing is concerned:

What's the Intention of your blog?

Be clear about the purpose, the rationale behind your blog. A clear purpose will give focus and direction to your blog. You will not divert from your path.

Who's your Audience?

When you are clear about the kind of audience and people you wish to write for, your tone will get decided automatically. This is very important as you cannot have the same tone or way of communication with all the people.

Are you simply blabbering or to the point?

Nothing is more irritating and frustrating for the visitor or reader of your blog than your wasting his/her time giving useless information or information that is not to the point. Remain honest, real, and avoid mistakes.

Are you Updating the blog regularly?

If the answer is in negative, then you need to do something fast about it. It is important to update your blog regularly, if not everyday, at least several times a week. People are looking for fresh, unique, and different news everyday.

Are you linking to your sources?

There is no need to duplicate content of your sources. When you provide a link to any content used or referred by you but composed by somebody else, you provide readers the access to that information so that they can draw their own inferences and judgements.

Are you adhering to a Schedule?

Be passionate enough to be consistent about the blogs that you post. A lapse of a day or two occassionally is okay, but in the longer run, you must stick to your schedule and give readers the promised content well in time.

Is your blog Keyword-rich?

Are you feeding the target audience with the content that they are looking for? In other words, if you aim to achieve better online visibility, you need to make your blog keyword-rich.

Do you proof-read your Blog?

It really leaves a very wrong impression on people if the blog written by you is full of mistakes-spellings or grammatical. Imagine the amount of embarrasment it would cause you if you find people pointing out to the mistakes in your blog. That way you would be putting an end to the life of your blog.

Are you using RSS Feed?

If not, start doing it right away. RSS is a wonderful syndication method that will expand your blog's reach, readership, and distribution.

Blogging the right way can increase your web site's popularity and ranking tremendously. Blogs may not have many takers as yet, but those who have been regular and loyal readers of blogs will always come back out of curiosity to find something new and differnet everytime. So, give your blog the right kind of attention that it deserves.


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is very interesting.


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