Monday, March 20, 2006

Search Friendly Copy Writing

The words of your content on your Web pages should never be an obligation or and added burden of representing something. It is a major asset in your search engine optimization campaign. A well organized, consistent, keyword-rich and properly presented article is the subsequent step after carrying out keyword research. Once the hidden potential of SEO writing is explored by you or your copywriter it can bring you High Rankings without any special coding and Meta tagging. With a bit of more observance and increased knowledge, you can easily develop a new written, keyword-rich marketing copy, ensuring that you have harnessed all possible keyword opportunities. Check your paraphrase against the original text to make certain that you have incorporated all the keyword/phrases without losing its readability and selling proposition. Though it is an intimidating task, but for the sake of achieving your goal you will have to cross this bridge. Search-friendly copy to some extent poses a level of redundancy that is actually a part and parcel of ad copy content writers. To produce good copy that is a real delight not only for the customers but also for the search engines and prompts the desired response at a high rate, the following guidelines can certify this acid test.
  1. Understanding what search terms could potential customers type to find your site and the number of competing sites that are part of the search results.
  2. Maintaining equilibrium of phrases used for optimizing your web site. Advisable is to target one or two keyword phrases per page.
  3. To reduce keyword clutter, combine your potential search phrases. Using this phrase with consistency will build relevance.
  4. There are not many search terms to target.
  5. The search terms are on the low to middle end of competitiveness.

Matching Phrases to Your Content
Try to compose your article from the readers’ point of view. The pages you create should provide ample information with reference to specific terms and concepts that are unique to your website. Not many of you would know that Search Engines index the first 500 words from each page they successfully crawl. So the text within that extent of words helps to determine the relevance for a particular search term. If you are a wizard at crafting your keywords into a forceful copy you are more expected to be relevant for keyword searches.

Create Keyword Rich Page Copy
To create Keyword Rich Pages supply good content repeating a particular keyword manipulatively a number of times without disturbing the flow of the copy. Ensure you have a working knowledge of the different HTML tags like the Title tag, the Meta Description tag, the Meta Keywords tag, the Heading tags, the Alt Tag etc.

Understanding Keyword Density
Keyword density is a measurement of knowing how significant a given keyword is to a page of material. It is calculated by counting the total number of words on the page, then calculating how many of them are "keywords/phrases.”

Understanding How Keywords Fit into Copy
Successful website copywriting convert web site visitors into qualified leads and generate sales and revenue. It should be crafted in such a way that convince the search engines that is creditable of a top ranking for keyword searches related to its theme and simultaneously should provide customers an insight into your products and services.


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