Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Common SEO Mistakes that Must be Avoided

Times keep changing and so does the basis for ranking sites by search engines. What was acceptable a few years ago may not be the norm today. Given below are some very commonly made mistakes by even seasoned and experienced webmasters. Avoiding them will help increase your site's rankings to a great extent.

1. It is not advisable to use multiple domain names, if possible. But if you have to, then do not use the same content in all the domains or redirecting the multiple domains to your main domain. Also, inform the users of the reason for using multiple domains to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.

2. Use limited graphics on your site. Try to understand the difference between a website and a print advertisement or a beautiful painting. Use more of text and your page shouldn't take more than 7 seconds to load. If you cannot avoid graphics, use JPEG, or GIF images and not .psd, .bmp, or .tiff files.

3. Flash is not very much recommended in websites as it increases loading time of the page and is not viewable by all browsers. Moreover search engines still have a weakness for HTML for conveying content rather than flash.

4. Pop-up windows are a big no-no. Do not use them at any cost as they distract visitors' attention unneccessarily and are not indexed by search engines because of the JavaScript used to open them up.

5. Frames are not much liked by search engines, so they should be avoided if you want your information to be indexed fairly.

6. Image maps can land your site in trouble as search engines can't read them. So make sure that if you have to, you place them on unimportant pages and not on the main page of your site. Better still include links to other pages for making it easier for the spiders to move on.

7. Javascript shouldn't be used much as it slows down the speed of your website and is known to crash certain browsers.

8. Content on dynamically generated pages is sometimes not indexed by spiders, so it is better to construct important pages in HTML.

Keeping in mind the mistakes mentioned above may save you a lot of effort, money, and resources as far as getting higher rankings are concerned.



At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gud job natlie, bring 'em more!


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