Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Golden Rules for Writing the Right Keywords

Keyword Rich Web Site leads to Higher Rankings in Search Engines
The use of right
keywords or phrases can make all the difference to your website's ranking and visibility on search engines. More than anything else, selecting the most appropriate keywords that match with your products, services or area of expertise is most critical to your success and higher ranking. After all, it is with the help of the keywords only that the visitors will land on your site.

Read the rules below before you start identifying the keywords for your site:

1. Never be allured to look for popular keywords. The more a keyword is popular, more are the chances that many of your competitors are using the same keyword for their sites. A more sensible thing would be to look for keywords that may not be very popular, but very much relevant to your site. The ideal scenario would be when you have keywords that are appropriate to your site, may be not hugely popular, but capable of bringing
targeted audience or visitors to your site.

2. It is always better to involve more people in the keyword building stage as others may be able to come up with words that you might not have thought of and that might turn out quite beneficial for you.

3. Using free and low cost online keyword search tools like WordTracker, Keyword Suggestion Tool, Keyword Ranking Tool, Overture Keyword Tool, Google Suggestion, TheDowser help rethink about and modify the keywords already selected by you. In Fact, these handy tools will help increase your database of keywords that you can manipulate on and select the ones you feel are the most appropriate to your site.

4. Investing some time in looking at the log files of your web sites will definitely help you in understanding the pschye of the customers and clients because you will come to know the words they are using to find out about you and your services.

5. There is no harm in checking out the websites of your competitors in order to find out what is working for them and what you can learn or adapt from their success and incorporate in your
keyword writing strategy. You can see their meta tags to enlarge your repertoire of words.

6. Check a good Dictionary or Thesaurus to find out more related words and phrases and also include the misspellings of your keywords that are sometimes written by people in a hurry or mistake. Even consider playing with different tenses, plurals and other forms of word and phrase construction to give yourself that extra edge over others.

7. Check how many people have send posts in response to your
blogs and also measure the success of the keywords used, so that you come to know which area still needs to be polished up. This will also give you insight into how you can match your efforts with what the customers are looking for in your site.

5. There is no harm in checking out the websites of your competitors in order to find out what is working for them and what you can learn or adapt from their success and incorporate in your keyword writing strategy. You can see their meta tags to enlarge your repertoire of words.

6. Check a good dictionary or thesaurus to find out more related words and phrases and also include the misspellings of your keywords that are sometimes written by people in a hurry or mistake. Even consider playing with different tenses, plurals and other forms of writing to give yourself that extra edge over others.

7. Check how many people have send posts in response to your blogs and also measure the success of the keywords used, so that you come to know which area still needs to be polished up. This will also give you insight into how you can match your efforts with what the customers are looking for in your site.


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