Thursday, January 25, 2007

Maintaining High Rankings: Monthly SEO Maintenance Plan

As the famous proverb goes, "Prevention is better than cure", this holds true for the SEO maintenance plan too. It acts as apreventive measure against any sorts of problems in the website that may bring down the ranking of your site.Thus, it becomes imperative to monitor your web site's position and health, time and again, or better still, on monthly basis, like a good doctor, to prevent any loss of page rank or high ranking on the search engines.

1. Keeping an eye on rankings - In the web marketing arena, search engines are the Big-B's who call the shots. They keep changing their algorithms and ways of indexing the sites. To keep abreast with their changing SEO rules and retain your site's ranking, it becomes essential to check your site's rankings regularly. Maintaining a monthly ranking report is a big plus to keep a tab on your ranking over every month.

2. Monitoring the traffic flow - If the doctor comes to know from where most of his patients are coming, or for what reason they are coming to him, he can easily modify and change his marketing strategy accordingly. Similarly, if you know from where your traffic is coming, you can modify the marketing strategy for those pages and keywords that are being used to reach your site.

3. Reviewing the keywords - Simply receiving high ranking for your favorite keywords is not good enough.These keywords need to generate good traffic too. So, the keywords need to be reviewed regularly to keep up with increasing number of sites on the web. Accordingly, changes and additions need to be made to the whole content of the site.

4. Remain one step ahead of competitors - Get into the shoes of your competitors and think like them. See what keywords they are using. Work out the statistics of keywords that you are competing for. Competition is good only till the time you are making profits, otherwise it is wiser to use less competitive keywords for your web pages or use them along with the most popular ones.

5. What's new in your site?- Give visitors more reasons to come to your site. In other words, put more content on regular basis so that visitors get more chances to come to you. Updating and adding new content increase chances of better rankings manifold.

6. Creating an impressive web copy - Even a small error-grammatical or spelling- can break your reputation and reliability. So create a web copy that is meant for your visitors, garnered to their needs and hits the bull's eye right away.

7. Active link Exchange program - The more people you know, more popular you are as more are the chances of them talking about you to others.But that doesn't mean you know every Tom, Dick, And Harry. It means cultivating good and fruitful relations with people related to your field or area. Similarly, the more the quality web sites linking to you, brighter the chances of your site ranking well on search engines.

8. Rid free your site from all navigation problems - Your site should be absolutely free from any kind of navigation or content related problems. Do not offend or make the visitor run away due to confusing navigation, or unclear content.

Take the web site as a mirror image of your business. It reflects your business sense and understanding. Treat it well, take care of it, and don't abandon or neglect it. This is going to be one solid reason for your increased and expanded business.


At 2:08 AM, Blogger abhayyyy said...

hey admin
As the well known adage goes, "Anticipation is superior to fix", this remains constant for the SEO support plan as well. It goes about as apreventive measure against any sorts of issues in the site that may cut down the positioning of your site.Thus, it gets basic to screen your site's position and wellbeing, on numerous occasions, or even better, on month to month premise, similar to a decent specialist, to forestall any loss of page rank or high positioning on the web search tools.
Digital Technology Institute


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