Monday, March 12, 2007

Treat your web site as an Extension of yourself:Make it talk to the visitors

You must be thinking after reading the title of this blog, "How can a web site be treated as a human being? How can one talk to a piece of machine? This is utter rubbish".Wait a minute. Read this blog and you will change your thinking, I bet. Let's take a simple example from our daily lives. How would you feel if you cannot contact a person for sharing some information, or some news, or just to say hello to that person?Or worse yet, you would go mad if you are left alone simply because people cannot contact you or talk to you. Web marketing,to a great extent, depends upon your network and the level of interaction between your web site and the visitors to your site.If visitors don't find a comfortable, easy, and simple way of contacting and connecting with you, they will not get the confidence to trust you or your services and products. You have to involve them and talk to them through your site.

Ways to make your site more interactive

1. Always provide an easy email address link to the people as the first step to start any interaction is to send a message to someone or talk to someone. Providing the visitors with a contact form also helps as it is easy to fill and even people working on others' computers can also fill it.

2. Newsletter related to your web site updating about the new features on your web site and even articles on themes related to products and services provided by you will also involve the readers' interest in your site. The newsletter can be a free sign-up feature that allures readers to sign up for your newsletter. And in the newsletter, you can provid links to your site, products,services or order now page.

3. Bulletin boards act as great discussion forums and people come back to them time and again. It is just like giving importance and weightage to the feelings, views and thoughts of your visitors.

4. Act as a good advisor and provide solutions, answers, and clear confusions of the visitors by having a 'question answer section' or 'expert advice' section where you entertain all the queries, doubts, questions of the visitors. This will increase the interactivity between you and your visitors, and may even your sales in the long run.


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