Wednesday, December 19, 2007


How can you give your visitor any good reason to become your permanent client when you have only 10 seconds to attract him? 10 seconds is the tenure when you have to oblige him/her and have to assure that your business is his best choice. The plight of the short-sighted, entrepreneurs is that they simply throw up a Web site assuming that their business will automatically pep up overnight. And when nothing takes a positive turn, except for their own lack of marketing efforts, they blame the reliability of www. For 24/7 virtual marketing strategy, let the visitors of the search engine be acquainted with your Web name or your name and be aware of what you offer and how you may be having edge over others. Building traffic and jamming it to your Web site needs a proper management of content and sales messages synchronizing with online promotion methods such as submitting articles and creating a web-based periodic article (blog). When it comes to attract customers, and widen the range of clientele, following the taboos of the internet world is a worthy decision. Realizing that the spiders of the search engines comb sites, on day to day basis look for a good key word, free information, and power writing sales content, can to some extent ensure the success of the web site. Approximately 95 percent of search engine traffic comes from Google and Yahoo!, so it becomes all the more mandatory to realize that just getting a space in the inventory of search engines does not guarantee traffic. A popular concept known as digital back-scratching that helps the sites to include useful resources for the targeted customers also raises an opportunity to generate a strong clientele. Being honored as “Best of…..” can give you prestigious moments to always cherish for and above all a big publicity boost. Isn’t it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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