Tuesday, December 25, 2007


For a layman “Keyword Research” would simply mean working hard at studying keywords. As keyword selection is the single most important aspect of search engine marketing, its supremacy can’t be ruled out. Apart from using services Overture’s inventory tool, word tracker, Google AdWords Keyword Tool or any other pay per click service some lateral thinking can be carried out to reach your target audience. For this it is necessary to comprehend what the online customers really want. When talking with people who are a part of target audience putting up questions like, "if you were searching for xyz product, what keyword or keyword phrase might you type into a search engine?" A little brainstorming can easily get you some interesting and constructive answers. Select two or three of your most important keywords related to your business and try using them diplomatically 3-7 times for every 100 words in your web copy.
By simply widening our accepted wisdom new avenues can be opened, which relate to a topic that directly relates to the target audience. Some creative thinking blended with brainstorming can enable the webmaster to know all kinds of site features, articles and content that will attract their specific audience. It sounds senseless to have a site that is not targeted to the right audience and expect high search engine rankings. If your site is already designed and is in the inventory of search engine but it is not yielding good results you may consider examining the keywords and make the necessary changes in your title, description meta tag, keyword meta tag, alt tags, comment tags, heading tags and main text of your web copy.


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