Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Want more traffic? Create an RSS Feed

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a set-up for organizing news and the content of news-like sites and weblogs. But it is essentially not just for news. Anything that can be broken down haphazardly into separate items can be syndicated via RSS. Once the modified information is encoded in RSS format, RSS-enabled program can check the feed for the changes made and respond to the changes in an appropriate way. RSS is a web feed XML-based document that is most popular in the weblogging community and includes summaries of stories or weblog posts with web links to their full version. Many weblogs and news websites make content available in RSS to help you access all your favorite weblogs or favorite news content by checking their RSS feeds. RSS delivers this information as an XML file and allows its regular visitor to track updates on the site using an aggregator. It is to be noted that all RSS files must be in accordance to the XML 1.0 specification, as set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This specification makes it an accessible text file and can create your feed to automatically regenerate from time to time.
RSS streams traffic steadily, generates a list of links and costs next to nothing. Since the search engine crawlers can’t decode the JavaScript feeds the text embedded in them also runs the chance of not being noted by the search engines. But the SEO guidelines emphasize that to make newsfeeds visible to search engines; their text has to be embedded into your page. So, here the best option is to use RSS feed. Anytime you update your website, add a new page, add a blog post or podcast, you are able to organize your post, page or podcast to the search engines, data aggregators and indexes. It can increase the traffic to your website considerably as your message and link is exposed to thousands of viewers. Because a large portion of content is available through the RSS feed – one is not always obligated to create the content himself/herself. Importing feeds from other sites or from the parts of your own site and publishing them on your webpages can also enhance the search engine rankings. Also, without any interference you can automatically keep your website full of fresh, relevant information.
Contemporarily RSS feeds are the hottest marketing tool for web marketing. It allows the webmaster to forward email without ever being detected by a spam filter.


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