Friday, September 15, 2006

Building Online Customer Relationship: Multiplying Your Online Business

It is very rightly said that a personal touch in marketing can make all the difference between a sale or not. Building up a positive and trust fostering relationship with the customer can go a long way in ensuring sales for your online business. But the sad part is that not many webmasters pay attention to this aspect of online marketing. Most of them is just concerned about getting higher rankings and more targeted traffic to the site. But what they forget is the real reason behind getting targeted traffic-converting traffic into customers. Would you be interested in getting 500 hits a day and converting half of them into customers or getting 5000 hits a day but converting just 1 percent into customers? If you understand this simple fact, you will understand what I am trying to convey here.

The fact is that in order to convert visitors into customers, you need to build strong customer relationship with them. You need to wrack your brain and find out why people should buy from you instead of your competitor. Do some serious research and thinking on what information exactly your prospective customers are looking for. Present that information to them through some report, e-book, article, or newsletter answering all their questions. Spend some time writing a sales letter that convinces and attracts the clients to give away their email address to you in exchange of the valuable information you give them. Place this sales letter in your home page and go to any autoresponder companies to get an autoresponder account. Now put your sales letter on this account.

What you achieve with this is the building up of a database of people who can later on be your clients. Take up one solid product or service of yours and write a sales letter around it and send it to the customers. Keep sending these people new and fresh news of interest from time to time. In a way you are maintaining a regualr contact with the clients and personalizing the whole interaction. There is no harm adding some personal
information about you or your personal life in the letter.

Don't confuse this promotional method as spam because all auto responders these days have unsubscribe links at the end of the message in case you wish to discontinue receiving any mails from the company concerned. Doing this not only builds a strong customer base for you, but also makes you know about whether people like, dislike, respect, look up to you or not.

This is a kind of two step marketing where you get something in exchange of giving something to the visitors. In this case you get their email addresses in exchange of giving away free information to them. It is a simple fact of life that people buy from people whom they like and trust, especially on the internet, where trust is a major factor contributing to sales.

Remember all webmasters that internet is a medium of direct marketing and the sooner you understand it, easier it would be to convert visitors into clients.


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