Thursday, July 20, 2006

For Search Engine Promotion, there is no shortcut to success

You have recently launched a website and wondering why it is countering a random success. This is a situation to not to feel panicky or frustrated, you just need a strategy to promote your site to search engines and to visitors. By following five action oriented steps, which are also the most important considerations, you can give your site a boost.

Understanding the site's objectives

What do you expect from your website?
The answer is-clearer your objectives are the more you will be able to focus on the site’s selling points. In the case of commercial sites, the broader objective should be clear-cut. Here the broader objectives are inclusive of educating, motivating, persuading and informing the online customers. Once the objectives of your site are determined give them their due importance during the entire development of an SE promo strategy. Make sure the objectives are clear to search engines and they spider your site in their first crawl.

Making your sales demography - Market Analytics

It is very important to determine who you are trying to reach through your site. Is it a particular community or global audience? What are the requirements of the members of your demography and what influences their purchasing decisions. To know your market is the third most important promotion strategy after designing and implementing. The best you can do to enhance your promo strategy is to know how your competitors perform. Google can tell you accurately and ethically how the successful sites perform. As a matter of fact the development of multi-dimensional metrics is useful in every step of the design, development and SE optimization phases because they provide the raw data, number of hits, average number of pages viewed, and ratio of visitors to buyers.

On-page Factors

An accomplished site is not one day job. Its accurate execution is planned where organic SEO, CSS, and other On-Page factors play a dominant role. The search engine spiders may vary in their algorithm but regardless of their dissimilarity what they look for is a simpler and clearer site. Simpler and cleaner coding assures that your site will be assessed and ranked properly. Simultaneously beware of black hat tactics. They are not only inept but also costly and may get you banned from SEs altogether

Incorporating these on-page factors come into existence when a site is designed. They also play a crucial role in the development and testing phases and after the site's launch. During the site’s further refinement, optimization, and content updates On-page factors again play an important role

Interpretation of the Home Page

Once the technical aspects have been taken care of, next comes your presentation also known as your home page. The clarity of your presentation can make or break a site irrespective of how well you have designed your website technically or aesthetically. Simple navigation, user-friendly site, buttons and links clearly labeled, uncluttered presentation, spider-friendly site map etc are some of the important requisites of an accomplishing website. Color combinations, type font and size, header placement, number of headers, type placement and the tone of the content are other important factors. A successful search engine promotion also depends on keyword density and other SE search parameters.

Promotion and Optimization

Once your site is launched, this is just the beginning- the beginning of a cutthroat competition. Here you just need to be promising and ethical. Your efforts to promote your site to search engines and to potential buyers will depend on your strategies. If you do not know about SEO services, the professionals can cater to your needs; help you develop useful metrics and strategies for improved site performance; help you optimize the sites to enhance your conversion rates.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

.. .. ...

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made effort to arouse myself by frequent aid of Lafitte, and all failing, I betook myself to a stray newspaper in despair.. The mow and the stalls had been screened off with lace curtains and blazing counterpanes, and the whole effect was one of Oriental luxury and splendor.. How much do you want? A hundred? How much is coming to me? About a thousand, Gideon.. He opened it in the fewest possible words, and said other gentlemen were present who would entertain them better than he.. A dream apparently meaningless relates to figures.. This voting power of Dennis was particularly valuable at the quarterly meetings of the Proprietors of the Naguadavick Ferry.. Upon this I made an effort to get up in order to put my threat into execution, but the ruffian just reached across the table very deliberately, and hitting me a tap on the forehead with the neck of one of the long bottles, knocked me back into the armchair from which I had half arisen.. I can't head him, cried Podington.. I'm willin' to try it for a year, anyhow.. Twenty-five breakfasts at a quarter makes six an' a quarter, which make dinners an' breakfasts twenty an' a quarter. Because there are nomad people to be found there, he said, with a dignified smile.. The act of birth, moreover, is the first experience with fear, and is thus the source and model of the emotion of fear.. The spelling-school is one of the ordinary winter amusements in the country.. Excellent boy! said his mother.. The occasion is the recent marriage of my niece, who with her husband has just returned from their bridal excursion, and they will be soon on their way to their residence in Baltimore.. That the sexual intercourse of adults appears strange to children who observe it, and arouses fear in them, I dare say is a fact of daily experience.. An initial rejection, perhaps consciously brought about by the judgment on the ground of incorrectness or unfitness for the actual purpose of the mental act, may therefore account for the fact that a mental process continues until the onset of sleep unnoticed by consciousness.. A charming place it was and is.. The Tylers! I should say I do! was the unexpected and enthusiastic reply.. Brede was in my wife's arms, sobbing as if her young heart would break...

At 5:54 AM, Anonymous SEO India said...

Good post! The ideas and insights are very worth reading. You really gave valuable information basically on page and off page factors.


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