Thursday, June 01, 2006

Making Your Website Visitor Oriented

Planning before Development of the website

As it is commonly said that always plan whatever you aim to achieve or do. Planning is the first and most important step towards execution of any project, work, exam, or even holiday. So, before just starting the development of your website, it is advisable that you spend some quality time planning and working out certain issues, like whether:

You have ensured that there is adequate demand for a particular product or service in a given industry or
You have closely studied and analysed your competitors' techniques and strategies or
You have worked out a tentative amount or dgree of traffic or audience that might come to your site

Designing Your Site

After proper planning comes the designing part which is another very important part of creating a website that is user oriented.This stage requires a very skillful coordination between the website owner (who is the initiator of the work) with the designer,developer, and copwriter. In fact, having a pre-site design meeting with all the departments is very important as it will help the different departments to remain focused on what initially was the idea or conception of the website. Some things that need tobe kept in mind while designing are:

The site's name is the brand ambassador of your site. Therefore, it should be clear and legible to visitors and should be placed in the header of the site. A lot of thinking should be done before selecting and deciding on a particular name. The name should correspond and gel with your products and services. Ensure that the links are underlined and the actions that you want visitors to take are clear.

Consulting a Media Strategist

Once your site is created with great and relevant content, great design and a very useful development strategy, time has come to consult a media strategist to provide you with ways and techniques of targeting the related audience and traffic. It is the media strategist who will tell you whether to go in for e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, PPC, or anything else.

Keeping track of your site's performance

Creating and launching your website is not the end of the cycle. In fact, it is after the launch that the real work begins. Yes, now you have to keep track and measure your site's performance regularly to ensure that your site remains hot and happening as ever and does not waiver from the top position due to your negligence and neglect. In other words, you must acquire a log file analyzer program to measure your site's performance. Have feedback forms on your site asking visitors to share their views regarding your website, and offer any suggestions, if they have for improving the site.

The crux of the whole story is that a website is like a movie that needs an audience. If the movie is not good, theatres will remain empty and there will be no selling of tickets, which means no profit or business.


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