Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It has become apparent that Google is the king of search engines with the most elusive network of unprecedented algorithm. Building a site that is organically comprehended by Google is like hitting a jackpot. To optimize and rank highly on Google, as with any of the major engines it is mandatory to build a robust site with lots of quality content and easy navigation. A sure shot way of ranking high in Google is to optimize your keyword densities and attain quality links to your site. Also addressing the specific areas like backlinks, age, content, how the site fares in the results are crucial to a site.

Back links: Having a good list of back links is a golden key to attain top rankings on Google. Moreover, Google has its own unique way to reckon the weight of backlinks. That was the time when acquiring backlinks was a game of numbers. The more the links the higher the rankings were. But when webmasters literally exploited its potential Google changed its algorithm. The game of numbers converted into the game of acquiring quality links. Even the quality of links is determined by the age of links, the location of the link, the anchor text and formatting, link’s relevancy, and links Page Rank. The longer your links have been on a web page the higher their value. It shows your efforts that you have been doing since you started acquiring the links relevant to your site. Remember a link that is located within content holds more weight than a link in a typical link-page or directory format with a title and description.

Age: The age of the domain is equally important to Google. The older your domain is the more legitimate it is in the eyes of Google and thus the more likely they are to rank it. Also domains that are registered for longer periods of time are also looked upon as legitimate by Google.

Content: Google is a very choosy search engine when determining the relevancy of content. The relevancy of content can’t be underestimated. The more relevant content you have on your site the more likely someone is to find what you are offering when they get there. The more appealing the content will be, the more attention will it grab. The more attention will it grab the more likely Google is to believe your credibility. A blog, press releases are good options for the easy addition of relevant content. It gives Google an insight of your authenticity and expertise in your industry. Keyword densities in content should be analyzed from time to time to make the content suitable for search engine spiders to index.

How it fares in the results: It is important to maintain a webmetrics of your website. Keeping a track how your website fares in the results will help you know the popularity of your site. A growing factor will also indicate that in the coming time your site will gain more importance. If your website is appearing in the result for a specific phrase yet it has not generated any traffic it is an alarming sign that soon you will be dropped out of the rankings. The worse that can happen to your site is that, if your website is clicked after a few seconds Google detects that the searcher has returned to the results to find a new site your site will drop. That’s why it is necessary to write the title of a site that is search engine friendly and generates traffic.



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