Monday, May 01, 2006

Doing Business on Net:Increasing Online Sales

There is a difference between doing business online and doing it offline. You may be a very savvy, smart, experienced and seasoned businessman otherwise, but when it comes to increasing your online sales, you need to have done some homework in the internet field. Though the basic principles of selling always remain the same, no matter whatever the medium, but every medium has its own rules, ways and methods of operation. So does the Web too. In order to increase your sales online, you need to understand one basic principle and that is the more people come to your site, brighter are the chances of more sales. When you divide the number of sales made with the total number of visitors to a site, you get the conversion rate of your site that typically varies between 1 and 2 percent.

Online traffic is one factor that plays a significant role in increasing your online sales, but indulging in online advertising can be avery costly affair. It also does not guarantee any change in the conversion rates also. Some of the effective methods of increasing the conversion rates are:

Sprinking testimonials on your site from satisfied customers who specifically explain how your products or services benefited them or helped solve their problems will make a lot of difference to your online visibility. As such people love to give their feedback, comments and like to share their thoughts, so building the testimonials section wouldn't be such a difficult task. Always follow up with your customers with a questionnaire. Do inform them that their comments may be used for advertising.

Always follow up with your potential customers by using auto responder courses, or the auto responder services on the net, many of which are offered for free also, like

Offer a free sample to them in order to make your products and services more attractive for the users or buyers. If they get a chance to try your sample, they feel you are genuine and this leads to building trust and faith in them for the quality and credibility of your products and services. This startegy also ensures a response from their side when you follow up with them.

Who does not like to get something for free, especially when it is valuable information that the net surfers are hungrily looking for always. E-books can seve as a big plus for you and your online sales, if the content in them is original and fresh.

Make your website very focused, and do not give too many options to the customers. That will divert their attention from taking action. And here action means ordering or buying your product or service.

One time sales are no good. Good businesses always make sales from their repeat customers. Starting a free ezine and asking your customers to subscribe to it can do wonders for your online sales. By taking their permission and regularly sending them information on upgrades or new products, services can help your website a lot.


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