Sunday, April 30, 2006

Content Or Links: Both Are Equally Important in SEO

There has been a debate going on for quite some time in the search engine experts' circle related to relative importance of links and content in search engine optimization. But, to be honest, this debate is useless and has no meaning because both content and links are equally important for best results in search engines. Can you choose one and say that mother is more important than father in the family? Or can you cook food without gas and stove? Similarly in SEO too, fresh and relevant content as well as good links play an equally important role.

No doubt in certain situations and circumstances, mother takes precedence over father and vise-a versa, but in the complete and total upbringing of a child, both play an equally important role. Similarly, there may be many instances and types of websites where content alone can help acquire high search engine rankings, like in the case of not very highly competitive keyword searches. But in case of highly competitive keyword searches, only content rich website wouldn't suffice.

One must understand the simple fact that the search engine algorithms (a mathematical formula) consider both content and relevant links as important for higher rankings in the search engines. Let's take it this way that if mother and father work in harmony with each other, their child will definitely be brought up in a very good and condusive environment, thus learning much more and shaping out to be a good human being than being brought up by a single parent.