Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Protect your site from a Google PageRank fall

Howsoever expert you are in your field; you can’t always follow your preconceived notions of following your own style and use techniques designed to make fool of search engines. It is in your own benefit that you keep on reviewing Google’s guidelines from time to time and stay updated what Google looks for in your website. Following the obvious suggestions like not using frames, not employing cloaking techniques, creating keyword rich navigation and search-engine friendly site map etc. has become a custom, but a revision of the guidelines can help a cocky bunch of webmasters to make out the best of their expertise and the sources available.

Search engine optimizers who have a set method of designing and/or promoting web sites can even become obnoxious in their field or lag behind if they do not follow the pace by which search engines are updating their algorithm. Experts you may be, but it is never a bad idea to go through the basics. It will only add something to your knowledge.

Following may be the considerations that you may be overlooking, though unintentionally, that may cost you your Page Rank or Traffic.

1. Maintaining less than 100 outgoing links per page is not difficult. As a matter of fact, less is more. If you have crossed the limit of 100 your linking practice requires a re-evaluation. Compiling a list of more than 100 outgoing links is qualitative only if the resources are significant for the customers.

2. Dynamically-generated content can confuse the search engines with characters like “?”, “=”, “%” etc. These session URLs denote that there could be an endless loop of possibilities existing for that page and search engine spiders can ignore these pages all together. If the search engines try to spider the page, it can cause a “spider trap" resulting in a huge load on the engine's server. To avoid this kind of javascript spamming check your settings to ensure that search engine spiders are not getting forced on your part to index these dynamic pages and begin a new session each time they visit your site.

3. Some web designers to emphasize the curb appeal of the website use images to display headings or other crucial areas of text. But the branding of a website dominantly depends on its clarity. In addition different fonts may look fascinating to the eyes but it can have a negative impact on readability. The more content deciphered by the search engine spiders the better for your website. Cascading Style Sheets is also a good way of giving your website a look you want give while simultaneously maintaining a clean coding and increasing its readability by the search-engines.

4. Most webmasters consider that by incorporating keywords in the page title and alt tags relevant to the page's topic makes these tags all-inclusive. As a matter of fact Google doesn’t consider the keywords but also sees how descriptive and accurate they are. Google may interpret your page titles as inaccurate if it does not show in the main body of the page as well. You are not free to follow your own sweet will and embed any keyword in page title and title that you feel will look nice on the page.

5. If you have redirected your web page to some other URL, Google guidelines says that using 301 redirects is the best way to let your visitors know that your site has been redirected. Many webmasters are still using the "meta refresh" command, but Google now considers it obsolete because in the past it had a notorious record of being utilized for unethical purposes.

6. Google also suggests you to submit your site in its competitor search engine, Yahoo. Since the websites included in Yahoo directory follow white hat or neutral hat SEO techniques, it becomes safe for Google to include those sites and increase the chances of giving them a good Page Rank. Moreover, when Google realizes that you have paid to be a part of the directory like Yahoo, it gives your site a preference. You can consider it to be a preliminary step for performing well in Google.

7. If you are availing the services of any search engine firm, do not heed to their advice or insistence of linking your site to theirs.



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