Monday, May 29, 2006

Importance of Leads

When a visitor leaves his/her names, addresses and/or other details and when the site gets credited, it is called leads. The leads can be fresh and stale. Normally people who recently become your customers or subscribers fall in the category of fresh leads, whereas people who haven’t responded to your e-mail newsletters that recently fall in the category of stale leads. There is also a possibility that people who had shown interest in the past might not be interested in your services any longer. Here the need of the time is to let the bygones be bygones and you concentrate on your fresh prospects who are also your fresh leads. There is no point in going out of the way and alluring the customers who no longer consider your services to be worthwhile. Generating leads is not that difficult. You can either find them or buy them from the organizations that share the same profile as yours. But both of these aspects have a flip side to it.

If you are finding your own leads you need to catch an eye of the people you are targeting. You also need to advertise, create websites, write content and get more and more traffic. But if you are falling short of time and want leads instantaneously, spend few dollars and buy them. Once you will buy the leads, you will be able to focus on your site without any distractions. It would be good if you won’t depend completely on others opt-in list. But maintaining your own is far more productive.

For generating your own opt-in list
1. Launch you own website that has everything related to your business.
2. start your campaign by distributing your own newsletter
3. Do not depend only on the internet. Also use traditional mediums like magazines and radio to advertise
4. Your signature line is very crucial to the success of your website
5. Provide email course to your subscribers and that too free of cost, on your topic.
6. If your budget allows consider PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising to generate traffic for your website
7. Publish articles related to your industry
8. Interactive online postcards are also a nice way to inform people about your existence
9. From time-to-time organize online contests and set a small gift prize for the winner.

Leads are most crucial to any business online. Once a proper list is maintained be prompt in your actions and post a customized message to your lead. Auto response can solve half of your tensions in answering leads, particularly if the leads are in the form of emails. If you keep on delaying in responding to your leads; at the first place your customer will lose interest and turn up at your competitors’ site to avail the same service and secondly the more late you respond the more stale the lead becomes. In auto response the prospect lead receives an instant message containing your name, your contact address, telephone number and a message that you would contact them as soon as possible. Lead generating system has the flexibility that provides you a time gap and allows you to customize the content for the follow-up email.


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