Thursday, June 22, 2006

Web Marketing Essentials: Strategies that Every Web Marketer Should Know

You write a book and do not tell anyone about it. You compose a song and it keeps lying in your notebook in a closet. You create something useful for the whole society but don't expose the people to it. The basic fact of life is that when you do anything in life, it makes no sense to anyone till the time you advertize your creation or make people aware of your invention.Similarly, web marketing is all about marketing and advertising your products and services online so that users come to know what all you sell or provide. It's like spreading word around about your products and services in order to get more targeted traffic.

If you are in business, then you have to make your product and service known to the consumers in a very organized as well as effective manner so that more and more people come to your site and buy your products and services.

Be very consistent and regular in marketing your goods and services.

Always have clear cut goals and a well chalked out plan for your online marketing.

It always helps to use a combination of various marketing strategies as you never know which one clicks.Also it gives you choices and alternatives to work on, if one fails or doesn't take off.

Depending too much on just one strategy, however good that maybe, is a dangerous proposition as everything changes with time and one strategy that is good today, may not be so effective tommorow.

Always test the strategy that you plan to use for your website. This way you can do away with the strategies that are not working well for you.

Email information really helps as through it you can inform the interested users what all you offer and how they can benefit and this can be easily done by setting up an autoresponder delivering quality information after every 7 to 10 days.

Writing ezine ads and placing them on the ezines that cater to your niche market also helps you to get more response than otherwise.

Newsletters on your website are another amazing marketing strategy to get more visitors and marketing your products and services. Ask people to subscribe to your newsletter and send the newsletter once in a fortnight to keep in touch with your subscribers and to keep them updated about what is happening on your front.

Having a testimonial on your site or requesting permission of the clients to use them as referrals is also a very good web marketing strategy. Asking the happy and satisfied customers to be used as references will help you a lot in your marketing efforts. There is no harm letting others know and post comments of clients who have lavished words of appreciation for your products and services. You can also place the link to your client's website so that you both gain in the process.

Know your prospective market well and accordingly plan your marketing strategy. You must be clear about your intended audience and then structure and organize the best suited marketing strategy for that type of audience.

Writing articles and publishing them in good ezines with a link back to your website can fetch you innumerable links pointing back to your site.

Since popular forums are regularly indexed by search engines, if you participate in one of the forums closely related to your field and leave a link back to your site, your site will get a major forward push.

Anything offered for free attracts attention. If you too offer something related to your products or services for free, you will surely convert many visitors into clients. It is all about convincing people that you are good, you mean business and you offer stuff that is reliable and good quality.

Getting involved in reciprocal linking can also help you market your wares pretty well. But make sure that the sites you are linking to complement your site and are relevant to you.

Your website content has to be really good with the best of the keywords laid out well on the pages. Also place keywords in the title, headings and subheadings, but do not over use the keywords.

Expand and enlarge your networking horizons so that you develop good rapport with people you come in contact with. Take advantage of every meeting, seminar, or presentation and make contacts, know people as this will give you insight into whether people are interested in your products and services or not.