Sunday, July 30, 2006

Have You Human Tested Your Newly Designed Website?

Creating an amazing looking site is not enough. You may feel your work is done once you have designed a website with all the right ingredients like good, relevant and fully optimized content as well as graphics and keywords. But is that all? No, there is still something left to be done and that is testing your website to ensure that all the hardwork and efforts you have put in creating it have attained you goal-getting visitors.

One of the most important things to be done after initial creation of the content is the proof reading of it so that you may check the document for any grammatical, spelling or spacing mistakes. And the best way to do it is to pass the work created by you to someone else who has never read that content before. The reason behind this is that when you try to proof read your own document, you already expect what you are going to see and do not read it objectively as a total stranger in its entirety.

Similarly the visual appeal of the website also needs to be shown to someone else to see whether the graphics, images are appealing, distracting, too loud, or too subtle. Others will be able to tell you objectively whether the layout is too busy or confusing or not very impressive.

The benefit of human testing you site is that it gives you a clear picture as to how easily or with difficulty your navigation works for others. It is these other average, normal people who can tell you exactly what they felt when they were having a tour of your site. If they easily and comfortably find your website without any problem, you can feel happy and satisfied on having passed the navigation test. But if people had a lot of difficulty reaching the desired pages, then you need to sit and rework on the navigation structure right away before moving ahead.

The idea is to place the navigation links and buttons in such a way that the visitors can easily come back to the home page or products/services page easily and without wasting much time.

Next comes the testing of the content because that is one of the single most important factors in website creation . You are trying to sell some services or products through your website. But if the offer is not made clearly and in an easy to understand manner, you will not be able to generate any targeted traffic, leave aside selling your products or services. You need to see how average visitors view a website, how their eyes scan and follow the information, which are the best advertising positions, etc.

The importance of having a human tester test your website is paramount because it gets you feedback that is genuine and real. When you view or test your own site, you can't help being biased as you have created it yourself. A stranger will give you insight and tips that might help you understand the dynamics of how visitors view your site a little better. Having a feedback form in your contact page will be a professional
and effective way to know what the visitors like or dislike about your site and any suggestions they have for improving your site.


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