Monday, October 09, 2006

A writing Style That Makes Online Selling More Effective

Writing a good online sales copy is not everybody's cup of tea nor is it a very difficult task. All it requires is some skill or craft on your part, some changes here and there, and there you go. Your sales web copy should be like a dialogue that is read aloud by the users or visitors. In other words, giving the users a feeling that the message has been written just for them.

Keep in mind the following points while writing a sales copy for net surfers:

1. Always write as if communicating with a close friend in an easy and conversational tone. Give the readers a warm and genuine feeling that you want them to benefit from this product and don't want them to miss out this excellent offer. Just like a true friend does.

2. Attract the visitors' attention by writing a very interesting and impressive headline.

3. Read the flow of your writing to see whether it flows naturally and sounds very smooth and spontaneous. If it does read smoothly, then chances of it being read and leaving an impact on the readers also increase.

4. Make the benefits appear vividly and clearly so that they linger on in the mind of the readers for a long time even after reading the sales copy. The readers must be able to visualize the benefits just by reading them.

5. Don't forget the call to action line. Your sales copy should be so powerful as to guide the readers towards the action and what you expect them to do after reading the sales copy.

6. You can also talk about the negative influence or impact of not buying the product or service offered by you. In other words, instead of talking about benefits, you can talk about what the users will miss if they don't order your product or service.

7. Decide upon your target audience and write only for it. Work out the people for whom you are writing. Make your writing specific to the target audience so that they can relate with what you offer them.

To cut a long story short, it is very important that you write with the right attitude, for the right audience, using the right words. And last but not the least, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and more PRACTICE makes a man perfect. So the more you research, and read other successful business peoples' online sales copies, the more you practice your your skills, the more you test your ideas, better will be your progress.


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