Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cloaking:Part III

In the previous blogs( Part I and II ), we discussed about cloaking and its benefits according to some webmasters. But in this blog, we will discuss about the disadvantages of cloaking.

Hiding your search engine optimization strategies is fair enough, but the problem is that cloaking hides much more than that. It can be used to steal your site's content and hide it behind a secret script. Spam techniques like redirection can also be hidden from the view of the visitors/users. We all know how effective and powerful good meta-tags and optimal keyword placement are in improving search engines rankings. Along with these two factors, link popularity too plays an important role. But the fact remains that if the web pages are cloaked, and never visited by users, then how can they attain good popularity. And the most important fact is that search engines don't like cloaking. In fact many major search engines have already decided to ban cloaked websites permanently from their respective search engine databases.

Now that does not sound too promising or good proposition at all. It is advisable to webmasters that it is better to indulge in ethical and legal SEO practices and study their website design to improve rankings and increase sales, instead of employing risky and dangerous techniques like cloaking.


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