Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Google’s infamous “Sandbox Effect”

Google's sandbox is a new filter that affects almost all new websites by placing them on a preliminary "probation" status. Thus the term "Sandbox Effect" applies to the idea that all new websites after becoming search-engine friendly and being indexed may perform well for a couple of weeks, but when the filter is applied to the new website (called sandboxing) the site will still appear in the result pages, but it will not rank well despite of how much unique, well optimized content and how many quality inbound links the site may have. Not only this, this notorious process can even send the established sites to Google Sandbox which all at once obtains hundreds or even thousands of links from other sites. As a matter of fact, this theory can make the webmasters go nuts if they are willing to optimize their site themselves as an amateur. Although a webmaster may succeed in encoding, but he can’t overlook the fact that Google Sandbox can restrain his website/s from having immediate success in the search engine result pages. Sandboxed sites experience a hard time ranking for keyword phrases, no matter how competitive they are. Three to four months is a normal probationary period of any site that has been sandboxed, but it can extend up to six months also. High-competitive searches often spend six months in the Box.
The Sandbox Effect was noticed in March 2004, when the new websites failed to rank well for the couple of months from the date of their launch. Although these sites had good PR’s, well executed optimization and strong incoming links, the result was frustrating. It’s not that only newly built sites can be sandboxed, but also the established sites are also vulnerable to sandboxing. Most of the times, these sites are abandoned because they seek rankings in highly competitive searches and are in for a much longer duration. Sites targeting non-competitive keywords and phrases are usually left out of the Sandbox.
It may be noted that it is not any kind of punishment for the webmasters, but it is google’s own way to discourage spam sites from rising quickly for their keywords; banning the sites that use various tactics to rise to the top of the search results, and gain heavy sales; and repeating the process. As a result google has made probation mandatory for the new sites.
The Sandbox often targets:
  • Top-level domains, directories or sub-domains.
  • The sites registered after March 2004.
  • The site that is full of tactical SEO methods, particular on-page optimization of text, titles, meta data, etc.
  • Websites mainly in the English language.
  • Rankings of all levels.
  • Penalized sites that rank in top results of other search engines will nowhere be ranked in the 100's or even worse at Google.
  • Low quality, spam sites and sites carrying AdSense more often.
  • Commercial and private segment sites only.


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