Thursday, April 05, 2007

Are You Earning Return on Investment (ROI) From Your Online Marketing?

You may be spending a lot on online marketing campaign to make your products and services shine and sparkle on the web. But the million dollar question that arises is whether you are earning and generating revenue from your marketing campaign or not. If the answer is negative, then you need to pull up your socks and make the following suggested changes in your online marketing schedule and ideas to start earning the much required return on investment (ROI).

A well executed marketing plan including your company's goals, objectives, and sales can make all the difference to your reaping marketing ROI. It also takes into account your target markets, audiences and strategies. Strategies will further involve all marketing initiatives, publicity, marketing channels that convey your marketing message in the best possible way and maintain your brand awareness and popularity. So first work out the marketing/sales objectives and then strategies and tactics should be planned accordingly.

Try to make a solid market for your brand, products or
services even if it means employing some cutting edge market makers. You may be missing out on potential market opportunites by not sniffing for trends or looking out for what competitors are doing. All you need to do is to monitor and keep track of your markets as well as the industry news for trends influencing your markets.

There is something called buzz marketing, viral marketing, and word of mouth marketing, all of which can help market your products,
services and brand along with paid advertising. This is called smart and intelligent use of Public Relations and alternative marketing methods.

Web marketing including opt-in e-mail newsletters, blogging, article writing can also help market your products and
services. Web based marketing techniques are not only inexpensive but also have a wider and quicker reach and popularity.

Measuring your marketing plans and programs is as important as executing them. Because that will act as a yardstick whether your marketing efforts have gone futile or reaped benefits. This will also help you analyze what went wrong where in your marketing program if it failed. And if it was a success, again you get to know the things that you ought to repeat for getting similar results.

So, start oiling the wheels of your marketing program using these strategies, and watch your returns on marketing investment, speed up like never before.


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