Sunday, August 19, 2007

All About Google Sandbox

To understand the Sandbox Theory, let's take an example. When a new employee joins a company, he/she is kept on probation for a certain period of time to see whether he is the right person for the company and has the capability to work effectively and efficiently. Similarly, when a new website is created and requests the search engines to index it, the Google Sandbox acts as a filter or probation for the new sites so that no spam sites rise and then get banned. During the sandbox effect, these websites do not get good rankings even if they have good content, lots of incoming links, and high PageRank.

Whether anyone believes it or not, the Sandbox Effect is no myth or illusion but solid reality. And the idea behind it is to stop the addition of purchased links to spam sites that indulge in illegal practices to get high rankings. The first appearance of something like a sandbox effect existing was felt by website owners and SEO professionals in March, 2004 when the websites launched after that period stopped ranking well in search engines despite a good PageRank,strong incoming links, and good optimization techniques being used.

There is no way to escape the Sandbox Effect except those sites that were launched before March,2004. Also those sites that target non-competitive keywords and phrases are left out often from Sandbox, and if they are in the Sandbox, the stay is pretty short. The general time frame of stay in the Sandbox generally is three to six months depending upon the competitive level of the keywords/phrases.

So while your site is in the sandbox, the best thing to do is wait patiently and keep adding more relevant content, keyword rich pages, and off page as well as on page optimization of your website. The end result will be that when the sandbox filter is lifted from your site, it will rapidly rise in the search engine rankings. The sandbox is also the most appropriate time to add links to your site with strong keyword rich anchor text added to the links.

The only way to prevent your site from getting sandboxed is by purchasing and sending live a website, before it gets completely ready for the prime time. Though the site will have low rankings, it will set a timer on its Sandbox duration time. Keep adding incoming links to get past the alleged new links filter. Keep adding content to your site. Anything that can be done to speed up your site’s appearance on the internet, including the purchase of an already existing domain, must be done. If you manage your time properly, your site can avoid the Sandbox completely.


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